Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Morning After Glow

*So this blog spot has been killing my stupid Comcast cable and not letting me post, but now I am up and running other places so hopefully you will see more posts!*

Yesterday we went to the ASCNE Rescue Conformation show and TJ was going into JR's with Tinkerbell and I was going to enter Spoofy in the 6-9 month class.

We got there and I was registering, and they needed one more altered Bitch so the people in that class could title, so I entered Tinkerbell and made a ton of people very happy!! I figured it was more ring time and practice for myself, as I learn better from doing than watching.

So after registering we were entered in 6 events, and we took home 6 RIBBONS!! Spoofy place 1st in both his events. TJ and Tink tool 2nd in their first event, I placed 2nd and 3rd with her in my 2 events. Tj entered in one more JR event with an 8 year old black tri, who was calmer than Tink so he could more of a feel for the ring and she was offered to him so he could learn by someone I had just me that day!! Because I entered Tink, I made a ton of new friends.

I know people saw that everyone in the conformation show circuit is snobby and not nice, but I am finding that really only applies to some and not the whole group, yes their is competition, but it is friendly and everyone was very helpful to me.

I am so proud of my SON and my DOGS!! We have a lot of hard work ahead of us, and WAY more training but we are going to try and make it go! And they always say the first step is the hardest, I am pretty sure we just jumped in feet first and really just hit the ground running!

Here TJ is with Wish:

Tink has eyes only for me:

Spoofy is just such a GREAT dog!

I will write more about this later but we have Class and a park to hit up!!

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